Unsolicited Ideas
GAF is a busy innovator! Most of the ideas that are useful to us are developed internally by our team. Occasionally, we receive useful ideas from external sources; however, many times, we are already aware of these ideas or the ideas are not of interest to us for various reasons. To protect you and GAF, we will only accept ideas that comply with our policy.
What Ideas Will GAF Consider?
The idea that you submit must be covered by an issued patent or a published patent application. GAF will not consider ideas on a confidential basis. Do not submit any confidential information to GAF, such as an unpublished patent application. Any information that you submit to GAF will not be treated as confidential information.
How Do I Submit My Idea
Review GAF’s Idea Submission Agreement (the “Agreement”) by clicking here. GAF will only consider your idea if you agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
Print and sign the Agreement. We recommend that you consult with your attorney prior to signing the Agreement.
Send the signed Agreement and a copy of your patent or published patent application by email to ideas@gaf.com or by mail to GAF Legal Department, Intellectual Property, 1 Campus Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
What Happens After I Submit My Idea?
If you submit an idea in accordance with this policy, your idea will be evaluated. If we believe that your idea is new and useful to us, we will contact you at the telephone number or email address that you provided in the Agreement to discuss next steps. If we are not interested in your idea, we will inform you by email.
If you submit an idea that does not comply with this policy, your idea will not be considered. If the idea was submitted by email, the email containing your idea will be deleted. If the idea was submitted by mail, the documents submitted will be destroyed. GAF has no obligation to return any materials submitted for consideration.
In no case will GAF compensate you for considering your idea.
Please be patient. It can take several months for us to evaluate ideas.
We appreciate your interest in submitting an idea to GAF.