
Toitures commerciales

Questions à poser à votre couvreur pour votre projet de toiture commerciale

By Karen L Edwards

08 novembre 2023

Two roofing contractors on a commercial roof at work

Si votre immeuble commercial a besoin d’une nouvelle toiture ou d’être réparé, il peut être temps d’utiliser les services d’un couvreur professionnel. Il se peut que vous ayez de nombreux entrepreneurs dans votre région, alors savoir quelles questions poser à un couvreur peut vous aider à trouver celui qu’il vous faut pour le projet. En plus de leur demander des exemples de leurs projets antérieurs, voici huit questions à poser aux entrepreneurs en toitures avant de les engager.

1. Are You Licensed and Insured?

Not all states require licensing but many do, and you'll want to see proof that the contractor is licensed in the state they'll be performing work for you.

In many cases, roofing contractors who advertise their services are required to include their license number in the advertisement. Most states that require licensing have online portals where you can verify that the contractor's license is in good standing.

Insurance is also important, as sometimes not all jobs go smoothly. The contractor should be covered in case an unfortunate incident occurs.

2. Does Your Company Hold Manufacturer Certifications?

Roofing manufacturers may offer several certification levels, helping you know what level of service and experience to expect. Par exemple, les entrepreneurs GAF Master Select sont tenus de suivre une formation continue et d’être dûment agréés et assurés. Additionally, they must have at least 1 $ million in general liability insurance coverage and a satisfactory Better Business Bureau rating, among other requirements.

Not every contractor can achieve certification. En fait, seuls 1 % des entrepreneurs en pose de couvertures aux États-Unis obtiennent le statut GAF Master Select. This status means the contractor has been vetted by the manufacturer, meets strict requirements for quality control and can potentially offer enhanced warranties on roofing systems.

3. Are Your Workers Certified?

Many training programs and certifications are available for roofing installers, such as the National Roofing Contractors Association ProCertification® training program and the GAF CARE Contractor Training Center.

You want to be sure the people working on your roof understand the proper repair and installation methods for your roofing system. Seeing what certifications they hold can confirm their roofing knowledge and familiarity with the products you're looking to install.

4. Is Your Company a Member of Any Industry Associations?

Membership in an industry association can demonstrate a roofing contractor's professionalism and commitment to their industry. In addition to regional, state, or national roofing associations, some commercial roofing contractors belong to associations designed for building owners and facility managers, such as the Building Owners and Managers Association or the International Facility Managers Association.

If you're a member of either of these organizations, your membership list could be a good place to start your search for a commercial roofer.

5. What Is Your Project Timeline and Process?

The contractor should consider all aspects of your project when planning it. Assurez-vous qu’il installera des systèmes et des solutions de toiture de qualité et faites-lui part de vos préoccupations avant le début des travaux. Par exemple, vous pouvez être préoccupé par la façon dont la construction peut affecter les occupants du bâtiment, y compris les niveaux de bruit et le stationnement. Your contractor should be able to review a plan with you that addresses these concerns.

They should also give you a project timeline from start to completion and be able to explain their process, which can include:

  • Initial site inspection
  • Repair or replacement recommendations
  • Estimate development
  • Project timeline
  • Plans to minimize disruptions
  • How they'll handle and communicate unexpected issues
  • Options de garantie

6. How Do I Prepare for the Roofing Project?

Determine if you need to take any steps to prepare for the project. Par exemple, l’entrepreneur doit suggérer comment informer les occupants du bâtiment des travaux à venir et de leur durée. Also, if you have neighbors close by or share parking lots, they'll need to be notified too.

Every project and building is different, so other preparations may need to happen before the project begins. Votre entrepreneur peut identifier tout besoin supplémentaire dans le cadre de son processus d’inspection et de planification. In most cases, the contractor will handle precautions-like roping off parking areas or protecting landscaping-and they should communicate that to you before your project begins.

7. How Much Will the Project Cost? Are There Contingencies?

Most commercial roofing contractors include the project cost in their bid package, but you should also ask about contingencies. Une provision est généralement un petit pourcentage du coût total du projet qui peut être inclus pour couvrir les surprises au cours d’un projet de toiture, telles que la moisissure ou la pourriture. Les réparations imprévues augmentent le coût du projet. So, understand whether a contingency is included in your estimate so you can financially prepare.

8. Do You Have a Maintenance Program for Repair Work?

Once your roof has been installed, it's important to take care of it. Demandez à l’entrepreneur s’il propose un programme d’entretien comprenant une inspection annuelle de votre toit. Il s’agit d’un excellent moyen pour évaluer l’état de votre toit après une année d’intempéries. Any issues can be addressed before they turn into larger problems.

By having a maintenance program in place, you can build a lasting relationship with your commercial roofing contractor and may even be able to extend your roof's warranty. If your contractor participates as a GAF Certified Maintenance Professional® you could be eligible for a 25 % warranty extension with the completion of required inspections and proper documentation.

Signing with a Commercial Roofing Contractor

Knowing what to look for when hiring a roofer is the first step toward a successful project. Maintenant que vous connaissez certaines des questions à poser à un couvreur, l’entretien devrait être plus simple. Ses réponses peuvent vous aider à décider s’il est adapté à votre projet. Keep in mind that it's wise to meet with and interview multiple commercial roofing contractors before signing a contract.

Ready to take the next step? Find roofing contractors certified by GAF* in your area and schedule a time to talk about the commercial work you need completed.

*Les entrepreneurs inscrits aux programmes de certification GAF ne sont pas des employés ou des agents de GAF, qui ne contrôle pas et ne supervise pas ces entreprises indépendantes. Les entrepreneurs peuvent recevoir des avantages, tels que des points de fidélité et des remises sur les outils de marketing de GAF pour avoir participé au programme et offert des garanties améliorées GAF, qui exigent l'utilisation d'une quantité minimale de produits de la marque. Your dealings with a Contractor, and any services they provide to you, are subject to the GAF Contractor Terms of Use.

About the Author

Karen est une rédactrice indépendante pour le secteur de la construction et sa passion pour les toitures l'a motivée au cours de ses 20 ans de travail dans le secteur.

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