
Toitures commerciales

Les avantages et les inconvénients des adhésifs pour toiture monocouche

By Karen L Edwards

21 août 2020

A contractor applying GAF EverGuard® adhesive with a roller

La variété des adhésifs pour membrane de toiture monocouche proposés offre aux entrepreneurs une certaine flexibilité dans le choix du matériau.  Mais comment savoir quel choix est le plus adapté à votre projet?  L’environnement, les conditions météorologiques et même l’utilisation du bâtiment peuvent influencer le choix de l’adhésif le plus approprié. 

Keep reading to learn more about the different roofing adhesives and the pros and cons of using them on a TPO roof system.

Different Types of Single-Ply Roofing Adhesives

Different jobs call for different tools, and several factors may help determine which type of single-ply adhesive you use. Local zoning requirements, building codes, building type and use, uplift requirements, climate zone and temperature limitation, and the type of roof membrane should all be taken into consideration as you weigh your options.

  • Solvent-based roofing adhesives are typically rolled onto the substrate and back of the membrane. Once the adhesive has flashed off, the surfaces can be mated. Solvent-based adhesives may have a noticeable odor, making them less ideal for occupied buildings. They also require temperatures to be at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4,44 °C) for application
  • Water-based single-ply roofing adhesives are typically applied in the same way as solvent-based adhesives, but contain no solvents and therefore, are low odor. Water-based adhesives can only be used with fleece-back membranes, and flash off times are typically longer for water-based adhesives than for solvent-based adhesives. Like solvent-based adhesives, water-based adhesives are typically installed in temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4,44 °C).
  • Spray single-ply roofing adhesives are the newest in the market. These adhesives are applied using a spray canister and can cut membrane installation time in half compared to traditional bucket and roller adhesives. Flash off time for spray adhesives is typically much faster than for traditional bucket and roller adhesives. Additionally, spray adhesives can be applied in temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-6,67 °C).
  • Low-rise foam canisters are two-part polyurethane adhesives mixed together in canisters with hose attachments. Two-part adhesive systems provide faster membrane installation that traditional bucket and roller adhesives, but can only be used on fleece-back TPO membranes.

Comparison of Adhesives and Installation Requirements

Comparison of Adhesive Type

Pros and Cons of Using Single-Ply Adhesives

In addition to the pros and cons of each type of single-ply adhesive, there are also pros and cons to installing adhered single-ply systems generally. There are a number of benefits, according to Chris McGroarty, Director of Commercial Membrane at GAF.

  • Adhered membranes don't experience fluttering because air cannot get under the membrane. Their higher wind uplift ratings make them a good choice for coastal locations and high wind areas.
  • An adhered single-ply roof is more impact resistant when you adhere your cover board and then adhere the membrane, eliminating exposed screws and plates. Impact damage often occurs in mechanically attached systems when screws and fasteners are hit by hail.
  • Adhered single-ply roofs have a smoother finished appearance versus mechanically attached.
  • Adhered systems are often covered by longer warranties.

However, McGroarty also noted that single-ply adhesives aren't right for every project. There are some potential drawbacks to using them.

  • An adhered system can be labor-intensive. The substrate may require extra fasteners, and many adhesives need to be applied to both the substrate and the membrane.
  • Crews must be up to speed on the specific manufacturer's recommended application rate and be able to recognize when the adhesive is tacky enough to form a strong bond.
  • Water-based adhesives in particular have limitations on their transportation, storage, and use. You'll want to account for additional time and labor to store them in a warm place.
  • Finally, spray equipment used with adhesives must be kept in good working order; failure to properly maintain equipment can cause clogs in the gun or hose. Equipment must be cleaned, adding time and labor.

Choosing the Best Installation Method

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for every installation. You may choose a different installation method like mechanically attaching the membrane. Mechanically attached systems typically install more quickly and with less labor than an adhered system. If the building is occupied and the odor of an adhesive is undesirable, this may be your best bet.

However, if impact or wind uplift resistance is important to you, there are a number of reasons an adhered system may be the better option. It all comes down to understanding what's right for your project.

If you need support in determining the best installation methods and adhesives to use based on the building design and owner's needs, your local GAF territory manager is happy to help.

About the Author

Karen est une rédactrice indépendante pour le secteur de la construction et sa passion pour les toitures l'a motivée au cours de ses 20 ans de travail dans le secteur.

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Par les auteurs Karen L Edwards

Le 22 avril 2024

A roof with a fleeback membrane being installed by contractors.
Toitures commerciales

Ce qu’il faut savoir sur le TPO avec nappe à l’arrière

En tant qu’entrepreneur, vous recherchez en permanence des moyens d’effectuer votre travail rapidement tout en assurant une qualité optimale à vos clients. Carefully selecting the materials you use can help-and with new roofing technologies being developed every day, you have a lot of options.Thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) single-ply membranes are a cost-effective solution for commercial roofs. And when you add a fleece backing, the resulting fleece-back TPO adds even more durability, protection, and strength to the system. The material can be used for both reroofing projects and new installations.The Benefits of Fleece-Back TPO MembranesHere are a few reasons TPO with a fleece backing might be the perfect solution for your next roofing job:1. Performance and DurabilityFleece-back TPO, like GAF Everguard® TPO Fleece-Back Membrane, provides excellent performance and durability. It's available in a variety of new thicknesses that make it easier than ever to find one that's suitable for your project. For instance, the GAF EverGuard® TPO Fleece-Back 100, 115, and 135 Membranes offer good impact resistance, as some systems are approved under Factory Mutual (FM) 4470 - Very Severe Hail (Class 1 - VSH).* These membranes are especially suitable for high-traffic roofs, because they provide added protection during regular maintenance of HVAC systems, for example.2. Ease of InstallationInstalling fleece-back TPO membranes can be done easily and efficiently, saving roofers time and labor. They can be mechanically attached for fast installation, or combined with adhesives like the GAF LRF Adhesive XF to reduce overall thermal bridging and add wind resistance capabilities.Commercial building owners and property managers that want jobs finished as quickly as possible will find mechanically attached fleece-back TPO membranes to be an excellent option. Watch the following video to see how they're installed:Because of their versatility, fleece-back TPO membranes are also a popular choice for reroofing projects if your customer isn't looking to completely remove an existing roof:3. UV Ray Protection and Energy SavingsFleece-back TPO membranes come in white and light colors, and they're designed to be ultraviolet (UV) resistant and reflect the sun's rays. By reflecting the sun rays away from the roof, white or light fleeceback TPO membranes can help lower the temperature of the roof and increase the roof's longevity.4. Excellent Warranty or Guarantee CoverageThe robust build of fleece-back TPO membranes means manufacturers can often offer good warranty or guarantee coverage. Depending on the thickness of the membrane and the method of attachment, you could be covered from 20 to 25-or even up to 30-years. This reflects confidence in the quality of the material and provides peace of mind for property owners and managers.Other Considerations for Fleece-Back TPO RoofingWhile fleece-back TPO membrane is typically more expensive than other commercial roofing solutions like smooth TPO, the installed cost may be comparable depending on the installation method used: you can estimate the cost of the EverGuard® Fleece-Back TPO needed for your project using the TPO Material Calculator on the GAF EverGuard® TPO Fleece-Back Membrane product page. As an added benefit, GAF EverGuard® TPO membranes are made in the U.S.A. with domestic and imported materials.The speedy installation possible with these membranes is convenient for customers and contractors alike, and the durability provides long-term performance. Plus, the fleece-back TPO works well in all areas-even those with harsh weather-so it's not limited to specific locations.If this TPO sounds like the perfect material for your next project, visit the GAF EverGuard® TPO Fleece-Back product page to learn more.*See FM Global Data Sheet 1-34 for more information. Consultez pour découvrir des ensembles approuvés.

Par les auteurs Mark Soto

27 juin 2023

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Toitures commerciales

Utilisation de membranes de toiture autoadhésives et plus de conseils pour vous faire gagner du temps lors de la pose de toitures

La main d’œuvre étant limité, trouver des solutions qui font gagner du temps comme l’installation de toitures autoadhésives se trouve en haut de la liste de choses à faire de nombreux entrepreneurs. Saving time doesn't mean jeopardizing quality: manufacturers continually work to deliver solutions that help increase efficiencies while still delivering a first-class installation.Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) is one of the fastest-growing single-ply roofing solutions. For instance, GAF EverGuard® TPO offers excellent protection in an affordable roofing system, making it one of the most popular choices for building owners. To help contractors save time while still delivering a high quality installation, GAF offers several time-saving tools.1. Quick Spray AdhesiveUsing spray adhesive means you can put away the roller-and time-consuming methods of applying bonding adhesive. EverGuard TPO Quick Spray Adhesive is a solvent-based adhesive that allows installers to quickly bond TPO membrane to a variety of substrates. In addition, when used properly, a Quick Spray canister can cover installation of approximately 10 squares, compared to the approximately 3 squares of installation a bucket can cover. (As with all adhesives, porosity of the substrate can impact coverage rates.) Simply spray the adhesive uniformly onto the substrate and the back of the membrane, then apply pressure with a broom or weighted roller to ensure adhesion and heat weld the seams.2. Prefabricated AccessoriesIt can take a significant amount of time, experience and know-how to properly measure, cut and hand weld details. GAF has prefabricated accessories available for most details of a rooftop, offering a full line of vent and pipe boots, tube wraps, pourable sealer pockets, and universal corners that can be cut to accommodate either an inside or outside corner. You can save time and ensure consistent quality in all the flashings by choosing these ready-to-use accessories. These accessories can help contractors boost their productivity.3. Self-Adhered TPOYou can eliminate the need to apply adhesive altogether when you choose a self-adhered roof. GAF's EverGuard® SA TPO comes with the adhesive already applied on the back of the membrane. Once positioned, the crew just folds the membrane sheet back, removes the release liner to expose the factory-applied adhesive, lays the membrane in place and brooms in the sheet before using a weighted roller. Then the crew heat welds the seams.4. Extra-Wide RollsWhen self-adhered TPO isn't an option, roofers can make their installation time more efficient by using rolls of membrane that are wider than the standard 10 feet. GAF propose des rouleaux de membrane d’une largeur de 12 pieds qui sont parfaits pour les travaux avec de grandes surfaces ouvertes sur le toit. Get more coverage in less time, and 20 % wider rolls means fewer seams to weld.5. Learn From the ExpertsGAF offers a robust video library featuring roofing veterans Dave Scott and Wally Brown. The Roofing it Right series features how-to videos, including a Self-Adhered Membrane Product Overview. These informative and educational videos cover topics as diverse as roof inspections, core cuts, tear-offs, and installations.Contractors can both provide quality installations and save time on the job by taking advantage of these innovative solutions. You can also reach out to your GAF Territory Manager for additional information or to discuss your specific project needs.

Par les auteurs Karen L Edwards

30 juin 2022

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