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Conversation avec Amparo Sancen : des soins de santé aux soins de la toiture

By Karen L Edwards

Le 27 juillet 2021

Amparo Sancen

Prendre soin de sa santé et de sa maison figurent parmi les meilleures façons de soutenir sa famille et de se soutenir soi-même. Amparo Sancen a compris cela – et elle excelle à aider les autres à le faire.

Elle a grandi au Mexique et a vu sa mère, qui a été aux prises avec des problèmes de santé, naviguer entre les rendez-vous médicaux et les visites de médecins. Cette exposition précoce au monde médical, parfois compliqué, a incité Amparo à rechercher une carrière qui lui permettrait d'aider les autres. Les soins de santé étaient un choix naturel, ce qui l'a poussée, à l'âge de 13 ans, à suivre un cours de secourisme. À sa sortie de l'école, Amparo a commencé des études d'infirmière, mais elle a déménagé à Atlanta avant de pouvoir les terminer. Là, elle a commencé à travailler comme aide-soignante – jusqu'à ce qu'elle en apprenne plus sur l'industrie de la toiture.

Getting Bit by the Roofing Bug

How does a nursing assistant like Amparo Sancen come to own a roofing company? Through friends, of course. Amparo said she met a lot of Latinos at the clinic who worked in construction. Through conversations with a close friend of hers, she began to grow curious about their work. After seeing some of the construction projects and meeting higher-ups within the industry, she recognized a new opportunity to provide for her children and continue helping others by caring for their homes.

"That was when I began to visualize myself [moving away] from what I had always loved to do," says Amparo. "I had begun to like construction, and I began to learn more. Once I was able to visualize myself with the lifestyle [that some of the construction professionals] had for themselves and their children, that was when I made the decision."

Finding Motivation and Overcoming Challenges

Amparo says that she's always been ambitious, but her daughters were the key motivation behind the switch to roofing.

"I wanted to give them a better lifestyle-to leave them a better future-and I think it was the best decision for me," recalls Amparo. "I didn't have a single hammer when I started. I didn't have anything, but I had many dreams and I wanted to learn."

It wasn't an easy transition, but Amparo was committed to making the change for her family. She took the necessary steps to start Sancen Contracting, register with the state, and print business cards. She wanted to feel fully committed to this new direction before leaving the healthcare field, and she says establishing the business gave her that sense of commitment.

When she submitted her resignation, the team at the clinic didn't want her to leave and even offered to pay her more. This just reassured her that she was making the right decision. It reinforced her commitment and dedication to whatever job was at hand-a trait that she has carried through into her roofing business.

That's not to say it was all smooth sailing for Amparo. She's faced challenges, particularly as a woman in a traditionally male industry.

"I started with the business 13 years ago and I had to dedicate myself 100 %, because it was the only way to get ahead. I had no other option," says Amparo. "It was difficult [in the beginning] to knock on a door, for you to get to do a job where they saw you in the same way they saw a man."

While navigating these obstacles, Amparo has learned valuable lessons since starting her company. Perhaps the most important lesson has been that she can't do everything herself. She used to worry that something would go wrong if she wasn't there for every new project and delivery. She says she's learned to surround herself with a trusted team who can take ownership of different roles, allowing her to focus on managing and growing the business.

Following Big Dreams

When asked what advice she would give to others who may be thinking about making the transition to the roofing industry, Amparo stresses that the most important thing is to have faith.

"That's the most important thing: you have to have faith in what you believe in. Hold on to your faith . . . the most important thing is that we have to believe in ourselves and fight for our dreams," she says.

She advises that it's not always easy, and it requires discipline: "I think that little by little, you see the steps you take are increasing, but that is what is important—discipline and perseverance."

For anyone considering a career in roofing or looking to grow their business, GAF provides the resources roofing contractors need. With support from GAF, you have access to key tools and education to help you succeed in roofing.

About the Author

Karen est une rédactrice indépendante pour le secteur de la construction et sa passion pour les toitures l'a motivée au cours de ses 20 ans de travail dans le secteur.

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