
Toitures résidentielles

Meilleures pratiques pour les médias sociaux dans le secteur de la toiture

By Annie Crawford

25 octobre 2020

Smartphone with social media app icons.

Entrepreneurs en pose de couvertures, il est temps d'intensifier votre présence dans les médias sociaux. Que cela vous plaise ou non, le monde économique actuel exige une présence dans les médias sociaux. Why? Because social media isn't just for saying hi. It's how customers make decisions-like who should install their new roof.

Before even calling for quotes, most customers research online reputations by looking at social media profiles. Property owners use social media to make purchasing decisions and learn if you're a brand they can trust.

For example, did you know 90 % of Instagram's 1 billion users follow at least one business account, and 60 % say they discover new products on the platform? Or that 78 % of U.S. consumers made purchases through discoveries on Facebook in 2018?

That means sharing news about new roofing technology, posting photos of successful roof installations, and engaging with customers online should be a crucial part of your marketing strategy. Voici quelques étapes simples afin de vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti des médias sociaux.

Building an Online Community

Roofing keeps you busy, but it's important to make time for social media. You can get started by setting aside 15-20 minutes each day to post, respond to comments, and engage with other people's posts. This organic marketing pays off over time by giving you a credible social media presence. Try these best practices for roofing social media success:

  • Build your brand identity: Help potential customers recognize you anywhere they find you online. To ensure you have a consistent brand identity, ask yourself these questions:

    • On each social media profile, are my company logos the same, is the wording similar in tone, do I use the same brand colors, and are photos of staff members consistent?

    • Is my business contact information and website easy to find and up-to-date on all of my profiles?

  • Create community: Follow and engage with a range of users, from home remodeling influencers to large roofing companies to individual customers. Always tag relevant partners (like GAF) in posts so they can share their favorites with their followers and increase your visibility. Additionally, you should get permission from property owners to post photos featuring their homes or buildings, or encourage them to share photos and tag your business page. When they share those photos with their followers, you get free marketing!
  • Engage customers: Homeowners and building owners use social media to ask customer service questions, debut completed projects, rave or rant about experiences, and give advice to friends or colleagues looking for a new roof. Respond to all comments and queries, especially the unhappy ones. Prendre ses responsabilités et montrer que vous êtes impliqué dans le service à la clientèle montre aux clients que vous prenez leur satisfaction au sérieux.
  • Utilisez des mots-clics : Un mot-clic est tout mot directement précédé du symbole #. People search by hashtags for topics they're interested in. You can weave hashtags into captions or compile them at the end of posts. Try using hashtags like #roofing, #roofersofinstagram, #roofingcontractor, #roofingcompany, #roofrepair, and #MyGAFRoof to get visibility. Hashtags are especially important for Instagram and Twitter posts. On Instagram, add 3-5 relevant hashtags. For Twitter, 2-3 targeted hashtags will do.
  • Be socially conscious: Customers like companies that better their communities. Use social media to show how you give back, whether it's participating in charity efforts like local food drives or partnering with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Team Rubicon. N'oubliez pas d'étiqueter les organisations partenaires.

Choisir des médias sociaux

Each day, 3,8 billion active users spend, on average, nearly 2,5 hours on social media sites. Different sites help you connect with different audiences, and you can tailor content—including blog posts, photos, videos, and news stories—to your demographic. Facebook and Instagram are effective places to start if you're new to social marketing. Here's more on the top sites for roofing social media:

  • Facebook: 69 % of U.S. adults are on Facebook. They write company reviews, engage with brands, and peruse business profiles to check credibility. To engage with these users, get permission to post before and after photos of roof installations, videos of your workers in action, testimonials from happy clients, and blog articles that will interest customers. Tagging businesses or people who are part of the post will help you build relationships while boosting your visibility.
  • Instagram: 67 % of people age 18-29 and 57 % of people age 30-49 are active Instagram users. These are your current and future customers! Get permission to post before and after roofing portfolios, video highlights of company employees, video clips showcasing the roofing life in Instagram Stories, and news about upcoming events.
  • YouTube: 73 % of U.S. adults use this video site. Creating content for YouTube requires more time than a quick post to Facebook, but informational roofing videos can establish you as an industry leader and a go-to for DIY homeowners.
  • LinkedIn: Use this professional networking site to engage with business peers, learn and share roofing industry thought leadership, and build business connections.
  • Twitter: Post your company updates, retweet industry news, and connect with local media when participating in community events.

Post, tag partners, use hashtags, and engage with customers, and over time you'll see the payoff. To get an extra boost, follow GAF on social media —Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube—and tag #MyGAFRoof in photos of your projects that use GAF materials for a chance to be featured on GAF's social pages.

Building a social presence may feel like a chore, but by following some best practices and investing just a few minutes a day, you can build a strong social media presence that instills trust in potential customers.

Once you have your social media in motion, you may want to look into using online reviews for roofing reputation management next. For more tips and solutions that can help you achieve your business goals, check out GAF's resources to grow your business.

About the Author

Annie Crawford est une rédactrice indépendante établie à Oakland, en Californie, qui couvre les voyages, la mode et les rénovations domiciliaires. Découvrez son travail plus en détail sur

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Toitures résidentielles

10 façons d’utiliser la vidéo dans votre stratégie commerciale

Utiliser la vidéo dans votre stratégie commerciale peut être un moyen efficace de créer un lien avec vos clients et d’établir une relation avec eux. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin, c’est de votre téléphone portable. Alan Lopez, animateur de GAF Real Talk LIVE, s’est entretenu avec Pablo Nivar, spécialiste vidéo de GAF, pour parler des actions faciles, peu coûteuses et immédiates que peuvent utiliser les entrepreneurs pour intégrer le contenu vidéo à leur stratégie commerciale. Voici quelques-uns des points à retenir et des conseils faciles à appliquer qui ont été exposés au cours de cet échange. Pourquoi la vidéo est-elle nécessaire. Dans le monde actuel, il est essentiel de susciter l’intérêt des clients à de multiples niveaux. La vidéo vous permet en quelque sorte de vous retrouver en tête-à-tête et de créer un contenu attrayant sans excès promotionnel, ce qui peut pousser les utilisateurs à l’achat. 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Appréciation des clients Tout le monde aime se sentir apprécié. Réaliser des vidéos qui montrent aux clients que vous les appréciez pour avoir choisi votre entreprise (et pourquoi cela fait la différence) peut potentiellement conduire à des futurs projets, aussi bien avec des clients existants que des nouveaux. 10 Offres. Terminer votre liste de créations par des vidéos commerciales peut en fait vous vous amener plus de clients. Vous voulez promouvoir votre entreprise, bien entendu, mais il est plus judicieux d’établir d'abord des liens authentiques. Conseils pour des vidéos de qualité. Savoir ce qu’il faut filmer est une chose, mais comprendre comment utiliser la vidéo pour qu’elle profite à votre marque en est une autre. Au cours de leur discussion, M. Nivar et M. Lopez abordent non seulement la façon d’utiliser la vidéo dans votre stratégie d’entreprise, mais aussi la logistique à connaître. 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Vous pouvez même communiquer avec les professionnels pour plus de conseils. Suivez GAF sur Facebook pour découvrir d’autres épisodes de Real Talk LIVE et d’autres contenus de qualité relatifs aux toitures. N’oubliez pas que vous n’avez pas à faire tout cela seul. Vous pouvez continuer à développer votre potentiel commercial grâce à des formations gratuites, à des initiatives éducatives et au soutien aux entrepreneurs GAF grâce à C.A.R.E (Center for the Advancement of Roofing Excellence).

Par les auteurs Annie Crawford

14 mai 2024

Couple consulting with a representative on home insurance.
Toitures résidentielles

3 tendances en assurance habitation que les entrepreneurs devraient suivre

Le paysage des assurances est en train de changer de manière dramatique et cela a un impact sur la capacité de vos propriétaires de maison à pouvoir se payer des projets de toitures essentiels. Ce qui ensuite, vous affecte vous et votre entreprise. Here are three major home insurance trends that are impacting the affordability of new roofs, along with some of the things you, as a roofer, can do to adjust.Trend 1: Rising DeductiblesRemember the good old days when a typical roofing customer would face a 500 $ deductible and have Replacement Cost Value (cost to replace at today's prices) coverage? Those days appear to be long gone. In fact, a 2 %-of-home-value deductible has become the standard in many markets and some carriers are requiring deductibles as high as 5 %. Let's do the math on that: A home with an insured value of 500 000 $ could have a deductible between 10 000 $ and 25 000 $.The culprit could be climate change, inflation, materials costs, risk aversion, homeowner choice (larger deductible = lower premium), or-most likely-a combination of all of the above. But regardless of why it's happening, insurance deductibles are steadily climbing, making it more challenging for the ordinary homeowner to recover from storm damage with a roof replacement.Trend 2: "Basic" Endorsements and Bare-Bones PoliciesOne way insurance carriers are trying to contain the overall cost of insurance is by simply reducing what the policy covers. Some are creating a "basic" endorsement, or bare-bones policy, which often removes coverage for metal, excludes code upgrades, includes cosmetic waivers, and limits the ability to match the shingle style and color. Here's what that means in practical terms:Metal: Hail damage to metal roofs and gutters may not be covered unless the metal is punctured. As you know, metal is found all over the building exterior, from roof accessories to gutters, and chimney flashing to window trim.Code Upgrades: Traditionally, additional materials and labor related to city and state code upgrades have been covered. That may not be the case with bare bones policies; confirm coverage and discuss the implications with your homeowner before making these upgrades.Cosmetic Waiver: Homeowners policies are more frequently including cosmetic waivers, which means they will only be able to get coverage if the functional use of the roofing system is degraded.Limited Color Matching: In some policies, a homeowner may elect to have limited matching coverage. For example, a match may only be considered for a single slope or plane over the roof versus the policy providing coverage to make the entire roof match. These policies usually differ by state.Trend 3: Roof Age RestrictionsAs previously mentioned, Replacement Cost Value policies are becoming less common, as many carriers are opting to offer Actual Cash Value-only policies. When coupled with the skyrocketing deductible challenge, ACV policies may leave the roof effectively underinsured.There are a few twists here that are of particular importance to roofers and homeowners:One exception to this home insurance trend is that homeowners may still be able to secure Replacement Cost Value coverage on newer roofs.Also, insurers are increasingly paying only Actual Cash Value on roofs that are past a certain age. The challenge here is that many homeowners do not actually know the age of their roof, and yet the burden of proof is on them. A good insurance company may use aerial imagery to help the homeowner identify the age and relative condition of the roof.What Can Contractors Do?Because of the growing size of deductibles and decrease in average personal savings, financing will play an increasingly important role in your ability to serve your customers. Knowledge is key here: The homeowner should know as much as they can about both their homeowners policy and their home itself.Your first step to assist with this is to have a conversation about insurance with your homeowner. Advise them to read their insurance policy thoroughly, so they understand their coverage and can brace themselves against sticker shock.If the age of the roof appears to be an issue, or there's a gap in knowledge about the home's history or roof condition, you could help the homeowner gain a better understanding by ordering an address-specific GAF QuickSite Report. It includes a 10-year weather history, aerial-imagery AI-driven roof assessment, property parcel data, and-if available-permit histories that may tell the story of home improvements including re-roofs.Perhaps the most important step is to offer a flexible financing option that suits their situation.GAF SmartMoney powered by Payzer empowers you to offer loans from multiple issuers, including Second Look financing.Green Sky, trusted by thousands of US contractors, offers deferred interest plans and credit limits up to 100 000 $ and is backed by Goldman Sachs.To help increase your homeowners' purchasing power, so they can say yes with confidence, find out more about these financing programs today.

By Authors Don Kilcoyne

14 juin 2023

Person working at a laptop showing an SEO performance graphic.
Toitures résidentielles

6 meilleures pratiques relatives au SEO pour la toiture

Quand un propriétaire de votre région a besoin d'une réparation ou d'un remplacement de toiture, il commence généralement par chercher sur un moteur de recherche des mots-clés comme « réparation de toiture près de chez moi » ou « meilleure entreprise de toiture près de chez moi. » If you want their search to lead them to your business, search engine optimization, also known as SEO, can help make that happen.Roofing SEO terms can be a vital digital marketing tool, able to boost your website's ranking in online search results by targeting keywords and phrases related to your business. For example, if you incorporate specific keywords on your company website, such as in your page headings, title tags, and content around relevant topics, your roofing business will appear higher when potential customers search for information about those terms and topics. Pages in the top five spots receive the most clicks from users-and, in turn, the first few companies that show up in search results are often regarded as more reputable.Here are some roofing SEO best practices you can implement to generate more business, retain customers, and position your business as a leader in your community.1. Find the Right KeywordsFor a successful roofing SEO campaign, you'll need to do some keyword research. SEO helps introduce your online presence to people who are already searching for the services you provide-and who are therefore more likely to become customers. A wide variety of online keyword tools based on search data are available to help you figure out which phrases and keywords potential customers might look for. For example, a homeowner whose roof is leaking might search "roof leak repair company" or "how to fix a leaky roof."Once you have a list of targeted keywords, add them to your website pages, titles, and metadata descriptions so clients looking for roofing solutions can find you. To avoid overwhelming or confusing visitors to your site, only use keywords where it makes sense and looks natural.2. Publish Useful ContentStart using your list of keywords and phrases in content online-this might look like tips, company news, articles, and photos and videos about roofs. This not only engages potential customers but also drives traffic to your site. Search engines help people find answers to their questions, so if a homeowner wants to know what a dormer roof is, their research can lead them to your roofing business website if you have information about that topic.3. Leverage Social MediaPeople tend to look for companies, services, and products on social media, so consider beefing up your business profile on various networks to rank higher in search results and become more visible as a brand to potential customers.SEO as a general practice can put your website in front of new people, resulting in more chances to convert prospects into clients. Being active on social media magnifies your efforts to drive web traffic to your business.4. Create a Location-Based SEO StrategyBusinesses that serve a specific geographic region-like most roofing companies-should make sure they optimize their website for location-based keywords. "Local SEO" can lead to more relevant traffic on your website, more customer reviews, and more positive engagement overall.Many searchers will find your business through Google. Be sure to set up your Google Business profile to drive searchers to your site.5. Streamline Your Website's NavigationWhen it's easy for potential customers to find the information they're looking for, they will have a better visitor experience and be more inclined to do business with you. Make sure your navigation and service offerings are clear and that key pages are linked from your homepage. Homeowners should be able to contact you with just one click. You can carry forward this same strategy with your site's content by using a tagging system or having sections of your blog deal with related topics rather than grouping them all together. Clear navigation on your website will also enable search engines to crawl your site more effectively and increase your ranking in search results.An intuitive site is more likely to convert visitors into customers. Since most searches originate from mobile devices, it pays to optimize your website for mobile search-when your site works on smartphones and tablets as well as laptops, you don't risk missing out on valuable leads.6. Make SEO Part of Your Marketing StrategyIf you want to attract more qualified visitors to your site, increase sales and earn more revenue, SEO can help. GAF offers roofing company owners tips and webinars to help you grow your business through our Marketing Solutions portal. Here, you can master the basics of digital marketing, manage your online reputation, and learn how to make your website stand out to build your brand. All of these tools will help you reach more qualified customers-no matter your needs or budget.

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Le 07 avril 2022

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