
Toitures résidentielles

6 meilleures pratiques relatives au SEO pour la toiture

By Wendy Helfenbaum

Le 07 avril 2022

Person working at a laptop showing an SEO performance graphic.

Quand un propriétaire de votre région a besoin d'une réparation ou d'un remplacement de toiture, il commence généralement par chercher sur un moteur de recherche des mots-clés comme « réparation de toiture près de chez moi » ou « meilleure entreprise de toiture près de chez moi. » Si vous voulez que sa recherche soit dérivée vers votre entreprise, l'optimisation des moteurs de recherche, également appelée SEO, peut vous aider.

Roofing SEO terms can be a vital digital marketing tool, able to boost your website's ranking in online search results by targeting keywords and phrases related to your business. For example, if you incorporate specific keywords on your company website, such as in your page headings, title tags, and content around relevant topics, your roofing business will appear higher when potential customers search for information about those terms and topics. Pages in the top five spots receive the most clicks from users—and, in turn, the first few companies that show up in search results are often regarded as more reputable.

Here are some roofing SEO best practices you can implement to generate more business, retain customers, and position your business as a leader in your community.

1. Find the Right Keywords

For a successful roofing SEO campaign, you'll need to do some keyword research. SEO helps introduce your online presence to people who are already searching for the services you provide—and who are therefore more likely to become customers. A wide variety of online keyword tools based on search data are available to help you figure out which phrases and keywords potential customers might look for. For example, a homeowner whose roof is leaking might search "roof leak repair company" or "how to fix a leaky roof."

Once you have a list of targeted keywords, add them to your website pages, titles, and metadata descriptions so clients looking for roofing solutions can find you. To avoid overwhelming or confusing visitors to your site, only use keywords where it makes sense and looks natural.

2. Publish Useful Content

Start using your list of keywords and phrases in content online—this might look like tips, company news, articles, and photos and videos about roofs. This not only engages potential customers but also drives traffic to your site. Search engines help people find answers to their questions, so if a homeowner wants to know what a dormer roof is, their research can lead them to your roofing business website if you have information about that topic.

3. Leverage Social Media

People tend to look for companies, services, and products on social media, so consider beefing up your business profile on various networks to rank higher in search results and become more visible as a brand to potential customers.

SEO as a general practice can put your website in front of new people, resulting in more chances to convert prospects into clients. Being active on social media magnifies your efforts to drive web traffic to your business.

4. Create a Location-Based SEO Strategy

Businesses that serve a specific geographic region—like most roofing companies—should make sure they optimize their website for location-based keywords. "Local SEO" can lead to more relevant traffic on your website, more customer reviews, and more positive engagement overall.

Many searchers will find your business through Google. Be sure to set up your Google Business profile to drive searchers to your site.

5. Streamline Your Website's Navigation

When it's easy for potential customers to find the information they're looking for, they will have a better visitor experience and be more inclined to do business with you. Make sure your navigation and service offerings are clear and that key pages are linked from your homepage. Homeowners should be able to contact you with just one click. You can carry forward this same strategy with your site's content by using a tagging system or having sections of your blog deal with related topics rather than grouping them all together. Clear navigation on your website will also enable search engines to crawl your site more effectively and increase your ranking in search results.

An intuitive site is more likely to convert visitors into customers. Since most searches originate from mobile devices, it pays to optimize your website for mobile search-when your site works on smartphones and tablets as well as laptops, you don't risk missing out on valuable leads.

6. Make SEO Part of Your Marketing Strategy

If you want to attract more qualified visitors to your site, increase sales and earn more revenue, SEO can help. GAF offers roofing company owners tips and webinars to help you grow your business through our Marketing Solutions portal. Here, you can master the basics of digital marketing, manage your online reputation, and learn how to make your website stand out to build your brand. All of these tools will help you reach more qualified customers—no matter your needs or budget.

About the Author

Wendy Helfenbaum est une journaliste, rédactrice de marketing de contenu et productrice de télévision établie à Montréal qui s'intéresse au design, à l'architecture, au jardinage et au voyage pour de nombreuses publications et marques, notamment Country Gardens, Metropolis Magazine,, Marriott Traveler, Costco Connection, Toll Brothers, PBS et bien d'autres. Wendy adore se tenir à jour sur les tendances actuelles en matière de design, et elle est accro aux émissions d'améliorations résidentielles à faire soi-même. Suivez-la : @WendyHelfenbaum.

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Toitures résidentielles

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Vous pouvez même communiquer avec les professionnels pour plus de conseils. Suivez GAF sur Facebook pour découvrir d’autres épisodes de Real Talk LIVE et d’autres contenus de qualité relatifs aux toitures. N’oubliez pas que vous n’avez pas à faire tout cela seul. Vous pouvez continuer à développer votre potentiel commercial grâce à des formations gratuites, à des initiatives éducatives et au soutien aux entrepreneurs GAF grâce à C.A.R.E (Center for the Advancement of Roofing Excellence).

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Couple consulting with a representative on home insurance.
Toitures résidentielles

3 tendances en assurance habitation que les entrepreneurs devraient suivre

Le paysage des assurances est en train de changer de manière dramatique et cela a un impact sur la capacité de vos propriétaires de maison à pouvoir se payer des projets de toitures essentiels. Ce qui ensuite, vous affecte vous et votre entreprise. Here are three major home insurance trends that are impacting the affordability of new roofs, along with some of the things you, as a roofer, can do to adjust.Trend 1: Rising DeductiblesRemember the good old days when a typical roofing customer would face a 500 $ deductible and have Replacement Cost Value (cost to replace at today's prices) coverage? Those days appear to be long gone. In fact, a 2 %-of-home-value deductible has become the standard in many markets and some carriers are requiring deductibles as high as 5 %. Let's do the math on that: A home with an insured value of 500 000 $ could have a deductible between 10 000 $ and 25 000 $.The culprit could be climate change, inflation, materials costs, risk aversion, homeowner choice (larger deductible = lower premium), or-most likely-a combination of all of the above. But regardless of why it's happening, insurance deductibles are steadily climbing, making it more challenging for the ordinary homeowner to recover from storm damage with a roof replacement.Trend 2: "Basic" Endorsements and Bare-Bones PoliciesOne way insurance carriers are trying to contain the overall cost of insurance is by simply reducing what the policy covers. Some are creating a "basic" endorsement, or bare-bones policy, which often removes coverage for metal, excludes code upgrades, includes cosmetic waivers, and limits the ability to match the shingle style and color. Here's what that means in practical terms:Metal: Hail damage to metal roofs and gutters may not be covered unless the metal is punctured. As you know, metal is found all over the building exterior, from roof accessories to gutters, and chimney flashing to window trim.Code Upgrades: Traditionally, additional materials and labor related to city and state code upgrades have been covered. That may not be the case with bare bones policies; confirm coverage and discuss the implications with your homeowner before making these upgrades.Cosmetic Waiver: Homeowners policies are more frequently including cosmetic waivers, which means they will only be able to get coverage if the functional use of the roofing system is degraded.Limited Color Matching: In some policies, a homeowner may elect to have limited matching coverage. For example, a match may only be considered for a single slope or plane over the roof versus the policy providing coverage to make the entire roof match. These policies usually differ by state.Trend 3: Roof Age RestrictionsAs previously mentioned, Replacement Cost Value policies are becoming less common, as many carriers are opting to offer Actual Cash Value-only policies. When coupled with the skyrocketing deductible challenge, ACV policies may leave the roof effectively underinsured.There are a few twists here that are of particular importance to roofers and homeowners:One exception to this home insurance trend is that homeowners may still be able to secure Replacement Cost Value coverage on newer roofs.Also, insurers are increasingly paying only Actual Cash Value on roofs that are past a certain age. The challenge here is that many homeowners do not actually know the age of their roof, and yet the burden of proof is on them. A good insurance company may use aerial imagery to help the homeowner identify the age and relative condition of the roof.What Can Contractors Do?Because of the growing size of deductibles and decrease in average personal savings, financing will play an increasingly important role in your ability to serve your customers. Knowledge is key here: The homeowner should know as much as they can about both their homeowners policy and their home itself.Your first step to assist with this is to have a conversation about insurance with your homeowner. Advise them to read their insurance policy thoroughly, so they understand their coverage and can brace themselves against sticker shock.If the age of the roof appears to be an issue, or there's a gap in knowledge about the home's history or roof condition, you could help the homeowner gain a better understanding by ordering an address-specific GAF QuickSite Report. It includes a 10-year weather history, aerial-imagery AI-driven roof assessment, property parcel data, and-if available-permit histories that may tell the story of home improvements including re-roofs.Perhaps the most important step is to offer a flexible financing option that suits their situation.GAF SmartMoney powered by Payzer empowers you to offer loans from multiple issuers, including Second Look financing.Green Sky, trusted by thousands of US contractors, offers deferred interest plans and credit limits up to 100 000 $ and is backed by Goldman Sachs.To help increase your homeowners' purchasing power, so they can say yes with confidence, find out more about these financing programs today.

By Authors Don Kilcoyne

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construction vehicles with Brand letters
Toitures résidentielles

5 Ways to Improve Your Roofing Marketing and Build Your Brand

When a homeowner needs a roof replacement or repair, searching online will show them hundreds of local roofing companies.How do you stand out in such a crowded field? It takes a strong brand identity to level up your roofing marketing. Whether you're a small or large contractor, here are some best practices for how to brand your business and attract more customers.1. Establish a Strong Visual IdentityMcDonald's golden arches. Home Depot's signature orange. The bite in Apple's iconic logo.These brands each have a strong visual identity. Recognizable images like these are associated not just with the brands themselves but with longevity, convenience, stellar service, and innovation.But you don't have to be a large company to create a compelling visual identity. Small, simple design elements make a serious difference. For instance, you can work with a designer or use user-friendly design software to create or update your company logo. Choose a color palette that aligns with the tone and image you want your brand to represent: a warmer color palette may convey a more friendly, approachable brand identity, while a metallic color palette with shades of silver, gold, and off-white might indicate that your roofing company caters to a higher-end clientele and specializes in roofing services for custom and luxury homes. Also look at your typography-choosing the right font is a subtle, easy way to convey professionalism.Visuals help tell your brand story. After choosing a color palette, typography, and logo to match your message, keep those design choices consistent across various platforms and marketing efforts. Put together, these visuals create a cohesive image of your company that helps you stand out.2. Build Your Online PresenceSuccessful roofing marketing often hinges on a strong online presence. A website might discuss your track record in the industry, display photos of past projects, or even host a blog where you share your roofing expertise. Creating your own website-with the help of a roofing marketing company, if you have the means-gives you an open space to share your brand story as you want to tell it. You can highlight any certifications, awards, or recognition, such as a GAF Master Elite®* Contractor designation.If you've completed over 1 000 roofing projects, specialize in metal roofs, offer free roofing inspections, or have glowing testimonials, your website gives you the chance to highlight what differentiates your brand. Use this valuable online real estate to craft your online reputation and showcase the reasons to choose your company over another roofing contractor.3. Use Social Media to Your AdvantageYour website isn't the only place where you can build your online presence-social media is an equally powerful tool.Your social media should echo some of what appears on your site. Share images of past projects, home maintenance tips, and customer testimonials. You can even treat certain platforms as customer service channels, where you respond to inquiries from prospects or connect with customers to schedule a consultation.Sites like Instagram put their focus on visually driven marketing. If you have a dedicated marketing team, they can keep followers' feeds fresh with continuous new content, from graphics and gifs to photos and videos. You can also leverage LinkedIn to create content for a more business-oriented audience. Posting regularly can attract organic leads, and running paid ad campaigns is an effective way to attract additional qualified leads.For smaller contractors, Yelp is a great tool to build your online reputation and deliver responsive customer service. Simply ask customers to leave reviews, and respond to any unsolicited reviews posted on your page. Just be sure to claim your page first. Once you claim your page, you can upload photos, update your business information, and respond to requests for quotes.4. Harness the Power of CollaborationWorking alongside another company can also build a strong brand. For example, you may partner with a local building, window, or gutter service to jointly market your work and offer combined discounts-say 10 % off a roof repair if the customer purchases new windows from a local window company associated with your brand.An effective partnership doesn't have to be all about driving sales, however. It may center on giving back to your community, which can build a positive brand image for your company. For example, GAF partners with several local roofing contractors to work alongside Habitat for Humanity and build affordable homes for deserving families. Many GAF-certified contractors* also lend their services after natural disasters to help communities rebuild and recover.Collaborating can give your company a platform to build brand awareness and make meaningful connections that can drive future business-all while giving back.5. Deliver Exceptional Customer ServiceWhile all of these roofing marketing initiatives can strengthen a brand, your brand's strength comes from the company's work itself. One of best ways to brand your business is to deliver exceptional customer service-it's why many roofing companies rely on word-of-mouth marketing.Treat every customer interaction, whether on a jobsite or on social media, as an opportunity to deliver great service. Customers won't recommend a business if they had a poor experience, so delivering timely, responsive service at a competitive price goes a long way toward building your business reputation and generating referrals. Great service gives customers a positive association with your brand, and it shows them that you value both their business and the trust they've placed in you to safeguard their home.Building Your Brand with Better Roofing MarketingRegardless of your company's size or specialty, better branding and marketing are good for business.You have countless ways to build your brand's reputation at your fingertips. These five are only the beginning-but they lay the foundation for effective roofing marketing and a long-lasting business. You can also visit for additional tools and resources to help build your your brand and business.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Les entrepreneurs peuvent recevoir des avantages, tels que des points de fidélité et des remises sur les outils de marketing de GAF pour avoir participé au programme et offert des garanties améliorées GAF, qui exigent l'utilisation d'une quantité minimale de produits de la marque.

By Authors Satta Sarmah Hightower

17 mars 2021

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