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Comment les matériaux de toiture en métal résistent aux conditions climatiques extrêmes

By Mark Soto

02 octobre 2024

A metal roof system being installed on a home by a roofer.

Harsh weather can damage your home, leading to expensive repairs or even making it unlivable in the worst cases. While you can't control the weather, you can take steps to try and minimize damage-like installing a durable roof.

If you live in an area prone to harsh weather, metal roofing materials can help protect your home from elements like hail, rain, snow, and wind. Here's what you need to know about metal roofs and the protection they offer.

Wind and Impact Resistance

Metal roofing shingles can help resist high winds due to their interlocking system, which helps provide wind uplift resistance. Interlocked panels help keep the materials in place and reduce the areas where winds can cause uplift, like the eaves and edges. Metal's smooth surface also lets air flow easily over it.

The GAF TimberSteel™ Premium Metal Roofing System passes the ASTM D3161, Class F test method, wind resistance for the ASTM D3161, the highest possible category for wind resistance of steep slope roof coverings. This means it has been tested to handle 110 mph wind speeds under the Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Steep Slope Roofing Products (Fan-Induced Method)*.

GAF TimberSteel™ metal field shingles are classified to UL2218 Class 4 Impact Resistance, the highest rating available.

Résistance à l'humidité

Offering excellent protection against wind-driven rain, the GAF TimberSteel™ passes the TAS -100 Wind-Driven test* for rain water intrusion.

Custom Snow Solutions

While rain is one problem, snow can also damage your roof. Snow adds a heavy load to your roofing structure, and moisture can enter your home as it melts if given the opportunity.

Metal roofs have a smooth surface that allows snow to slide off which may help prevent ice dams that form when snow melts and refreezes. Custom snow guards are available in the colors of the TimberSteel™ system to complement your roof.

UV Radiation Resistance

Sunlight can break down roofing materials over time. Metal roofing helps resist the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays which may contribute to its longevity.

Consider Metal Roofing

With more areas experiencing extreme weather, homeowners all over the country may benefit from considering metal roofing materials.

Does metal roofing sound right for your home? Explore the options GAF offers and sign up to get updates about the availability of GAF TimberSteel™ in your area.

*Testing conducted under controlled laboratory conditions.

About the Author

Mark Soto is a freelance writer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has comprehensive knowledge of home improvement projects based on his previous work. Mark comes from a family of DIYers and has worked with landscapers, plumbers, painters and other contractors. He also writes about camping and his enthusiasm for the outdoors.

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