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Why You Should Consider Financing Your Roof Investment

By Wendy Helfenbaum

09 octobre 2020

Hand placing a roof above a wooden home

Si vous avez repoussé la réparation ou le remplacement de votre toiture parce que vous n'êtes pas prêt à faire une grosse dépense initiale, vous pouvez envisager un plan de paiement. Many homeowners use the power of financing to pay in manageable installments over time rather than all at once.

Home improvement loans can extend your budget and offer peace of mind that you are making the best investment in the value and protection of your home. With more spending power, you can hire an experienced contractor, select more premium products, and choose a more expansive warranty.

The process works the same way as for any other large purchase, such as a car, furniture, or an HVAC system, and it makes getting a new roof much more attainable. If you have an insurance claim, financing may help you cover your deductible. You may also be able to use a payment plan to cover the balance of your roof project if insurance only pays for a portion of the repair or replacement.

Talk to Your Contractor

As you shop for a roofing contractor and request estimates, ask about financing options. Even if you are thinking about paying cash, you may want to consider payment plans that can ease the anxiety of writing a big check.

Once you have roofing bids in hand and have selected your roofing contractor, you'll have a good idea how much your roof project will cost. Most established contractors can talk to you about payment options, and then you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

The process is easy and quick, and many applications can be done virtually by receiving a direct link via text to your smart device or clicking on an "apply for financing" button on your roofer's website. You will be required to provide the standard information typically needed for any loan, including your gross or net income, any assets or other forms of revenue you have, your credit history, and your credit score.

Choose Your Payment Schedule

There are different payment schedules you can choose from, depending on what works best for you.

Some roofing contractors will ask you for a deposit before work can begin. Others might suggest a mix of an upfront payment followed by monthly payments for a specified time.

Be sure to refer to the lending disclosures from your lender on financing details, such as when your first payment is due.

As mentioned above, even if you have budgeted for a new roof and have the capital saved up, you may still want to use roof financing to spread out your payments instead of paying a lump sum. This option gives you the flexibility to use your cash for anything you want-such as another large purchase, a vacation, or other investments-rather than spending much of it all at once.

Understand Your Obligations

Although every financing company has its own processes, it's important to contact your financing company with questions and read the loan documentation carefully.

Lenders typically have different options for the length of the loan, from short-term agreements that run for 6 to 12 months, to some that are longer such as 72 or 96 months, with a range of interest rates to accommodate different financial needs.

You'll want to read the agreement carefully to ensure you understand details such as when payments will be due, what the down payment will be, whether there are additional fees, and how long you have to repay.

Finally, be sure to carefully review the terms of breach or default on your agreement if you don't make payments on time. You can consult with your contractor if you have any questions about the details of your financing contract.

Take a moment to find a GAF-factory certified roofing contractor* in your area, and be sure to inquire about payment options that can help you invest in your home and get your roof project done smoothly, effectively, and with less financial stress.

À des fins d’information uniquement et non dans le but de fournir des conseils financiers, juridiques, d’assurance ou fiscaux. GAF ne fournit pas de financement et tout prêt ou autre programme de financement promu par GAF est fourni au propriétaire résidentiel ou au consommateur directement par des organisations financières tierces autorisées et réglementées qui ne sont pas associées à GAF. Le financement est assujetti à la disponibilité, à l'approbation du prêteur, aux exigences en matière de crédit et aux conditions générales.

*Les entrepreneurs inscrits aux programmes de certification GAF ne sont pas des employés ou des agents de GAF, qui ne contrôle pas et ne supervise pas ces entreprises indépendantes. Les entrepreneurs peuvent recevoir des avantages, tels que des points de fidélité et des remises sur les outils de marketing de GAF pour avoir participé au programme et offert des garanties améliorées GAF, qui exigent l'utilisation d'une quantité minimale de produits de la marque.

About the Author

Wendy Helfenbaum est une journaliste, rédactrice de marketing de contenu et productrice de télévision établie à Montréal qui s'intéresse au design, à l'architecture, au jardinage et au voyage pour de nombreuses publications et marques, notamment Country Gardens, Metropolis Magazine,, Marriott Traveler, Costco Connection, Toll Brothers, PBS et bien d'autres. Wendy adore se tenir à jour sur les tendances actuelles en matière de design, et elle est accro aux émissions d'améliorations résidentielles à faire soi-même. Suivez-la : @WendyHelfenbaum.

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