
Residential Roofing

How to Attract More Customers with Roofing Email Marketing

By Satta Sarmah Hightower

October 05, 2016

A close up of a computer screen showing an email client. The cursor is hovering over the word inbox

If your goal is to drive interest in your roofing business through marketing, consider that 59% of respondents in a recent survey said email marketing influences their purchase decisions. On top of that, 78% of marketers saw an increase in email engagement over the course of 2019.

These numbers may not be surprising. It's important to note, however, that crafting an engaging email that drives interest isn't as simple as typing up a few words, quickly coming up with a subject line, and hitting send.

Roofing email marketing is part art, part science. As a roofing contractor, if you want to earn a greater ROI for your email marketing efforts, here are some best practices to keep in mind.

A Strong First Impression

As in life, first impressions matter over email.

Two factors can help you make a good first impression: your subject line and your preheader. The subject line is the first thing an email recipient sees in their inbox, and the preheader immediately follows it. Think of it as preview text or a sub-headline that will provide a bit more description about the contents of your email.

For example, if you're sending an email to prospects about roofing maintenance tips, you'll want to catch your audience's eye by putting the most important information in the subject line with something like: "Tips For Maintaining Your Roof Through the Winter." You can then share a few more details, briefly, with preheader text. You should keep your subject line to fewer than 50 characters to ensure the words don't get cut off.

Research indicates that 47% of email recipients will open your email based on the subject line alone. Emails won't do your roofing company any good if they don't compel people to click, so use the subject line and preheader to your advantage to pique audience interest and make your marketing campaigns more effective.

Creating Engaging Email Content

If you want your emails to attract new customers, you need to focus on making the contents of those emails engaging. Here are some tips:

  • Focus on the customer, not yourself: Your email marketing campaigns should focus on the needs and concerns of your customers—and not just tout your business. Yes, you should include details about what sets your roofing company apart from competitors, but you shouldn't do this at the expense of speaking to your customers in an empathetic voice. Use email to build a relationship with potential customers. Think about homeowners' most pressing concerns, whether it's the cost of repairing or replacing their roof or the safety of their families, and use this to anchor your email content. Explore the GAF Roof Views blog for articles that you can share with your audiences. After offering valuable insights that speak to your customers' top concerns, you can pivot to making your sales pitch.
  • Personalize your emails: If you have the first names of the people who will receive your marketing emails, use them in the subject line or in the first line of your email copy. Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened than those with non-personalized subject lines. The less generic, the better.
  • Shorter is better: Have you ever been at a party with a chatty person and wished the conversation would end? Well, bad email marketing can feel much the same way. Keep your emails brief, ideally no more than a few super-short paragraphs. Also, don't forget to include headers and bullet points, where appropriate. This is really important because most people don't read emails—they scan them.
  • Get visual: While text is important, so is imagery. Include images of past roofing projects to demonstrate what you can do. Pictures of you and your team can also make your emails feel more human and relatable. However, don't overstuff your emails with images. Emails with too many images may get sent to spam folders, according to the marketing company Hubspot. They also take a longer time to load, which may be frustrating for some people.
  • Include a clear call to action: Anyone reading your marketing email will want to know what to do next. You can guide them by including a clear call to action, like a link labeled "Schedule a Free Estimate." And don't forget to make your call to action stand out. You can highlight it in bold, use a larger font, or even include a graphic button so email recipients don't miss it.

Getting roofing email marketing right takes both time and practice, but you can create engaging and impactful marketing emails by focusing your message on your customers, keeping things brief, and including subject lines and preheaders that clearly demonstrate the value someone will get from your email. There are plenty of ways to market your business, but mastering email marketing is one of the most effective ways to turn quality leads into future customers.

For more tips and solutions that can help you achieve your business goals, check out GAF's resources to grow your business.

About the Author

Satta Sarmah Hightower is a freelance writer who covers business, healthcare and technology topics for a wide range of brands and publications. A former journalist, Satta holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Boston University and a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School.

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Residential Roofing

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For example, if you're marketing to a commercial client, this email might include information on the latest building and fire code updates in your municipality, or the latest trends in green building.If a prospect opens and clicks through the first couple of emails you send them, this may be a good sign to keep sending them messages on a weekly or monthly basis. Doing so should nurture the relationship and move them closer to a conversation with your sales team.Once they move into the later stages and get closer to making a decision, consider sending them emails that cover topics like how to set a budget for your project, how to compare contractors, and the pros and cons of different financing options for your project.It's also crucial to be mindful about how often you communicate with potential customers as you develop your email strategy. 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By Authors Satta Sarmah Hightower

January 19, 2021

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Residential Roofing

Creative Roofing Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business

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January 11, 2021

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Residential Roofing

Best Practices for Roofing Social Media

Roofing contractors, it's time to ramp up your roofing social media. Whether you like it or not, the business world today requires a social media presence. Why? Because social media isn't just for saying hi. It's how customers make decisions—like who should install their new roof.Before even calling for quotes, most customers research online reputations by looking at social media profiles. Property owners use social media to make purchasing decisions and learn if you're a brand they can trust.For example, did you know 90% of Instagram's 1 billion users follow at least one business account, and 60% say they discover new products on the platform? Or that 78% of U.S. consumers made purchases through discoveries on Facebook in 2018?That means sharing news about new roofing technology, posting photos of successful roof installations, and engaging with customers online should be a crucial part of your marketing strategy. Here are some simple steps to help you make the most of social media marketing.Building an Online CommunityRoofing keeps you busy, but it's important to make time for social media. You can get started by setting aside 15-20 minutes each day to post, respond to comments, and engage with other people's posts. This organic marketing pays off over time by giving you a credible social media presence. Try these best practices for roofing social media success:Build your brand identity: Help potential customers recognize you anywhere they find you online. To ensure you have a consistent brand identity, ask yourself these questions: On each social media profile, are my company logos the same, is the wording similar in tone, do I use the same brand colors, and are photos of staff members consistent? Is my business contact information and website easy to find and up-to-date on all of my profiles? Create community: Follow and engage with a range of users, from home remodeling influencers to large roofing companies to individual customers. Always tag relevant partners (like GAF) in posts so they can share their favorites with their followers and increase your visibility. Additionally, you should get permission from property owners to post photos featuring their homes or buildings, or encourage them to share photos and tag your business page. When they share those photos with their followers, you get free marketing!Engage customers: Homeowners and building owners use social media to ask customer service questions, debut completed projects, rave or rant about experiences, and give advice to friends or colleagues looking for a new roof. Respond to all comments and queries, especially the unhappy ones. Taking responsibility and showing you're invested in customer service tells potential clients that you're serious about their satisfaction.Use hashtags: A hashtag is any word with the # symbol placed directly in front of it. People search by hashtags for topics they're interested in. You can weave hashtags into captions or compile them at the end of posts. Try using hashtags like #roofing, #roofersofinstagram, #roofingcontractor, #roofingcompany, #roofrepair, and #MyGAFRoof to get visibility. Hashtags are especially important for Instagram and Twitter posts. On Instagram, add 3-5 relevant hashtags. For Twitter, 2-3 targeted hashtags will do.Be socially conscious: Customers like companies that better their communities. Use social media to show how you give back, whether it's participating in charity efforts like local food drives or partnering with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Team Rubicon. Remember to tag partner organizations.Choosing Roofing Social Media SitesEach day, 3.8 billion active users spend, on average, nearly 2.5 hours on social media sites. Different sites help you connect with different audiences, and you can tailor content—including blog posts, photos, videos, and news stories—to your demographic. Facebook and Instagram are effective places to start if you're new to social marketing. Here's more on the top sites for roofing social media:Facebook: 69% of U.S. adults are on Facebook. They write company reviews, engage with brands, and peruse business profiles to check credibility. To engage with these users, get permission to post before and after photos of roof installations, videos of your workers in action, testimonials from happy clients, and blog articles that will interest customers. Tagging businesses or people who are part of the post will help you build relationships while boosting your visibility.Instagram: 67% of people age 18-29 and 57% of people age 30-49 are active Instagram users. These are your current and future customers! Get permission to post before and after roofing portfolios, video highlights of company employees, video clips showcasing the roofing life in Instagram Stories, and news about upcoming events.YouTube: 73% of U.S. adults use this video site. Creating content for YouTube requires more time than a quick post to Facebook, but informational roofing videos can establish you as an industry leader and a go-to for DIY homeowners.LinkedIn: Use this professional networking site to engage with business peers, learn and share roofing industry thought leadership, and build business connections.Twitter: Post your company updates, retweet industry news, and connect with local media when participating in community events.Post, tag partners, use hashtags, and engage with customers, and over time you'll see the payoff. To get an extra boost, follow GAF on social media —Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube—and tag #MyGAFRoof in photos of your projects that use GAF materials for a chance to be featured on GAF's social pages.Building a social presence may feel like a chore, but by following some best practices and investing just a few minutes a day, you can build a strong social media presence that instills trust in potential customers.Once you have your social media in motion, you may want to look into using online reviews for roofing reputation management next. For more tips and solutions that can help you achieve your business goals, check out GAF's resources to grow your business.

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