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How to Spot and Prevent Roof Vent Pipe Leaks

By Dawn Killough

June 29, 2023

Damaged roof vent pipe

Some of the most vulnerable parts of any roof are where pipes and vents stick through the roof deck. Known as penetrations, these are prime spots for leaks to develop.

Accordingly, reducing the risk of leaks at plumbing vent pipes on the roof is critical. This work requires the proper materials and installation by a professional roofing contractor.

Here's a look at what can cause these kinds of roof vent pipe leaks, how to determine if you have any, and the important role quality products and installation play in helping to keep your home leak free.

What Causes a Plumbing Vent Pipe Leak in Your Roof?

Roof vent pipe leaks are usually caused by damage to the plumbing vent pipe collar or flashing that surrounds the pipe to protect the junction of the roof and the penetration. These collars or flashings can become damaged or degraded when exposed to the elements or when struck by debris.

Plumbing vent pipes on the roof are particularly vulnerable to leaks when the flashings aren't installed correctly—or at all. Surprisingly, some installers just cut the shingles around the vent pipe and caulk the joint. This can quickly wear away or crack with changing temperatures or sun exposure. Ensuring quality, durable flashing materials are present and installed correctly will better protect your home from water intrusion.

How to Determine If Your Roof's Plumbing Vent Pipe Is Leaking

Several signs may indicate you may have a leak. If you see any indication of a water leak in your home, call a professional roofer to inspect your roof. Water travels and it can be difficult to determine exactly where the leak is coming from. Professionals have years of experience in diagnosing leaks and some use new technology—like infrared imaging—to see hidden water damage.

Signs of roof vent pipe leaks may include:

Ceiling Stains

Look for dark spots on your ceiling, as these often appear under a leak. If your attic space is finished, stains will be easy to spot against a white ceiling. If you have an unfinished attic, you may not notice them until you're performing other work in that space. So, it's a good idea to inspect your roof and attic for stains at least twice yearly.

Neighbors have a water leak, water-damaged ceiling, close-up of a stain on the ceiling.

Mold in the Attic

In addition to looking for stains, regularly inspect your attic for mold growth. Mold is a sign of moisture, which is unhealthy to have in your home. You'll need special treatment to get rid of it once the leak is repaired.

Rust on Metal in Your Home

If you notice rust on metal parts inside your home, this is another sign of moisture intrusion and could indicate a leak.

Missing or Broken Shingles or Seals around Vent Pipes

When your roof is inspected, there might be missing or broken shingles around the plumbing vent pipes or damage/degradation to the actual flashing/seals around the vent pipe.

Damp Spots on Your Roof

Feel around the attic ceiling or roof deck to check for soft or damp spots. Both are indications there might be a leak.

The Importance of Proper Installation and Quality Products

Using the proper products and installing them correctly is essential.

First, verify your installers have the correct flashing or vent pipe collar for your roofing system and slope. Ensure they're using ones designed to be used with the shingle type and material you've chosen and select a reputable roofer to install it.

GAF Master Flow™ Pivot™ Pipe Boot Flashing is designed to work on asphalt shingle roof systems with roof slopes 3:12–12:12. It's constructed using durable metal and has no seals or gaskets that can degrade and leak when left exposed to the elements. It even has an easy-to-use pitch adjustment for easy installation. It's warranted against leaks caused by manufacturing defects or ordinary wear and tear for up to 50 years (or the length of the warranty of the adjacent shingles)*. It's also eligible for GAF enhanced warranty coverage when installed by a contractor certified by GAF** in connection with a qualifying roofing system.***

GAF Master Flow™ Pivot™ Pipe Boot Flashing

Contact a contractor certified by GAF** for more information and to schedule a visit.

*See Master Flow™ Pivot™ Pipe Boot Flashing Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions.

** Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products.

*** See GAF System Plus™, Silver Pledge™, and Golden Pledge® Limited Warranties for complete coverage and restrictions.

About the Author

Dawn Killough is a freelance writer in the construction, finance, and accounting fields. She is the author of an ebook about green building and writes for construction tech and green building websites. She lives in Salem, Oregon with her husband and four cats.

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Las características de las tejas le brindan protección adicional a su hogar y pueden reducir los costos de refrigeración, algo que puede suponer un ahorro para su bolsillo.¿Está listo para obtener estos beneficios en su techo? Comuníquese con el contratista de techado certificado por GAF*** más cercano para obtener más información.*La garantía limitada StainGuard Plus™ de 25 años contra decoloración provocada por algas verde-azuladas está disponible solo en productos vendidos en paquetes que incluyen el logotipo StainGuard Plus™. *La garantía limitada StainGuard Plus PRO™ de 30 años contra decoloración provocada por algas verde-azuladas está disponible solo en productos vendidos en paquetes que incluyen el logotipo StainGuard Plus PRO™. 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Sus arreglos con un contratista, y todos los servicios que le pueda ofrecer, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del contratista.

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Interested in a Roof Warranty? Here's What to Know

Installing a new roof that will protect your home and family for years to come is a major investment. That's why it's important to have adequate roof warranty protection once the job is complete.While most reputable roofing manufacturers provide basic warranty coverage against manufacturing defects in the roofing materials, it's often better to choose enhanced warranties that also cover installation. These warranties are available through your roofing contractor or manufacturer, and they're transferrable should you sell your house.Understanding what is—and isn't—covered can help you make an informed decision. Here's what you need to know when selecting your warranty.Comparing Types of Roof WarrantiesRoof warranties come in three main types, and understanding the differences can help you select the right one for your needs.Standard Manufacturer's Product WarrantiesMost roofing manufacturers provide basic coverage against factory defects, often at no additional cost. And if you install qualifying accessories in addition to shingles, some manufacturers offer better coverage.For example, if you purchase and install GAF Designer or Timberline® Shingles, the GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty automatically covers them. It also covers qualifying GAF accessories for up to 40 years. If you install at least three qualifying GAF accessories, you'll also receive the GAF Roofing System Limited Warranty, which provides a lifetime warranty on accessories and shingles.Most standard manufacturer warranties—also known as product warranties—only cover defective materials and components, not shingles that fail due to installation or maintenance mistakes.Contractor WarrantiesThe roofing contractor you hire to install your roof system plays a vital role in how well it performs and lasts. In addition to basic manufacturer warranties, many contractors offer a workmanship or contractor warranty, which covers you against future problems resulting from application errors (roof issues due to contractor installation mistakes).These warranties' details and terms vary by contractor. Some provide lifetime coverage against worker errors and damages inside your home stemming from faulty workmanship. However, contractor warranties don't protect your roof from weather damage, falling trees, or issues from roof modifications after installation. Ask your roofing contractor what their warranty does and doesn't cover.Enhanced or Extended Manufacturer's WarrantiesAn enhanced or extended manufacturer's warranty offers the most comprehensive protection, covering contractor workmanship plus expanded roofing material coverage. Ask your roofing contractor if they provide enhanced warranty options backed by the roofing manufacturer.Usually, enhanced warranties are available at an additional cost, and they often require you to install shingles and accessories from the same manufacturer. These components can include leak barriers, underlayment, hip and ridge cap shingles, and soffit and ridge vents. Typically, an authorized roofing contractor enrolled in the manufacturer's certified contractor program must install the products.Extended manufacturer's warranties usually last longer than standard ones. For example, the GAF Golden Pledge® Limited Warranty provides a 50-year non-prorated period against manufacturing defects (versus the 10 years the standard warranty offers). It also gives you up to 30 years of coverage against the roofing contractor's misapplication of the GAF products and covered flashings (installed at valleys, dormers, chimneys, and plumbing vents to provide added protection from water penetration). This holds true even if the roofing contractor is no longer in business. The Golden Pled ge® also provides coverage for tear-off and disposal to repair your roof in the event of a covered claim.GAF also offers the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty and the 25-Year StainGuard Plus™ Algae Protection Limited Warranty, which provide comprehensive coverage.Understanding Roof Warranty Exclusions and RequirementsEven with an extended roof warranty, not every situation that can damage your roof system is covered. For example, a heavy snowfall, hailstorm, lightning strikes, or severe wind can all result in damage that your warranty might not include.Ask your roofing contractor which situations are typically excluded from manufacturer warranties. Also, ask about coverage for proper roof ventilation.When considering roof warranties, it's crucial to understand their terms and conditions. Daniel McLaughlin, External Learning & Development Manager at GAF, cautions, "For homeowners, the initial risk of limited warranties is not understanding them and/or the verbiage that comes with them." He emphasizes the importance of knowing the difference between specific terms, such as "labor vs. workmanship" and "non-prorated vs. prorated," and understanding what kind of warranty homeowners can receive when the job is complete.To be eligible for an enhanced manufacturer's warranty, you'll likely need to hire a manufacturer-certified contractor. For example, to be eligible for the GAF Golden Pledge® warranty, you must hire a GAF Master Elite® Contractor to install your new roofing system.Registering and Maintaining Your Roof WarrantyCheck the roofing manufacturer's instructions on how to register your warranty. Even if a warranty is automatically included with your roof purchase, you or your contractor must activate it within a specific period once the roof system is installed, depending on which warranty you select.You should receive confirmation from the manufacturer that your roofing contractor registered your enhanced warranty. For example, if you purchased a GAF Golden Pledge® warranty, you'll receive a copy in the mail within 60 days after the job is complete. If not, contact GAF about your warranty status.Also, you can void your warranty if you don't properly maintain your roof. So, schedule regular roof inspections and cleanings—usually every two years—to address potential problems early. Use the contractor that installed your roof when you book maintenance service; most warranties don't allow you to outsource work or do it yourself.Finally, save your proof of purchase, including your contract with your roofing company and any receipts or invoices from your roofing supply store. These documents may be necessary if you need to file a warranty claim.Finalizing Your Warranty PlanBefore starting a new roofing project, do your research and speak to your roofing contractor about available warranties. Once you understand the different types of coverage standard, contractor, or enhanced warranties provide, it's easy to see how valuable they are. This GAF Limited Warranty Comparison Guide also outlines each roof warranty's requirements and coverage.Ready to move forward with a roof repair or replacement? Find a GAF-certified roofing contractor* near you to discuss your specific roofing needs and guide you through the process.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products. Your dealings with a Contractor, and any services they provide to you, are subject to the GAF Contractor Terms of Use.

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How Innovations in Hurricane Shingles Protect Your Roof from Storms

Each year, hurricanes cause billions of dollars in losses for homeowners across the country. In an effort to combat this, the roofing industry has made advances to help reduce the impact caused by storm damage, including specially designed shingles that can handle heavy impacts and high winds.If you live in a hurricane-prone area, here's what you need to know about hurricane shingles designed to handle the high wind speeds and debris impacts that can come with major hurricanes.Understanding Impact-Resistant ShinglesHurricane Shingles, (or impact-resistant shingles) are built to withstand both impacts and high wind speeds. They're robust, often created from a unique combination of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) and asphalt, providing more strength than non-reinforced asphalt shingles.In hurricane-prone areas, sharp winds can easily blow debris and other large objects—like tree branches—onto a roof. Shingles that pass the UL 2218 Class 4 impact-resistant test are most effective at limiting impact damage. These shingles are tested by dropping a 2-inch steel ball from 20 feet above. The steel ball impacts various target locations of the shingles on the test deck. The test includes two impacts per target location. The shingles must handle the impact while showing no evidence of ruptures or cracks through the shingle.These shingles should also be able to withstand Category 3 hurricane wind speeds, ranging from 111 to 129 mph.Choosing the Right Shingles for Your RoofWhen deciding between hurricane shingles, consider their wind classification, impact resistance, and warranties.Wind ClassificationQuality, UL 2218 Class 4 impact-resistant shingles should be able to handle at least 110 mph wind speeds. These shingles tend to be made of either metal or asphalt mixed with SBS. For example, the GAF TimberSteel™ Premium Metal Roofing System is effective against high wind speeds due to layers of protection, innovatively designed to help protect your home against the elements.Impact ResistanceQuality hurricane roofing materials, including impact-resistant shingles come with enhanced protection against impacts from objects, especially hail. While these shingles may be more expensive than non-reinforced asphalt shingles, they tend to require less maintenance. And since these shingles can withstand certain kinds of impacts that often happen during a hurricane, it may not need as many repairs.WarrantiesConsider the shingles' warranties and what you're protected against. A wind warranty can guarantee roof repair and replacement for specific wind speeds as long as you meet all the warranty's requirements.GAF Hurricane Roofing InnovationsCertain GAF shingles like Timberline® AS II have the best possible wind and impact resistance ratings. They meet the highest rating, Class F, for the Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Steep Slope Roofing Products (ASTM D3161). This means they can withstand wind speeds up to 110 mph.Timberline® AS II shingles also have the highest rating, Class H, for the Classification for the Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Asphalt Shingles (ASTM D7158). This means the shingles can resist uplift from up to 150 mph wind speeds. If that wasn't enough, these shingles' Class 4 classification for the UL 2218 test means they can handle a 2-inch steel ball drop test from 20 feet above.With the highest possible ratings for all these tests, the Timberline® AS II shingles are proven and tested against the closest possible hurricane-like conditions (testing performed under controlled laboratory conditions). The robust SBS-modified asphalt material and LayerLock® technology help fortify your roof against wind, rain, and hail. These GAF shingles are also eligible for the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty**, which provides infinite wind speed protection when installed with the required combination of four qualifying GAF accessories.Shingle Installation and Roof Maintenance TipsProperly installing impact-resistant shingles is essential for them to perform their best, so choose an experienced roofer. They'll know how to nail the shingles correctly and make sure they're firmly attached to each other and the roof to prevent any openings for leaks or weaknesses. Also, ask your roofer if they know how to install hurricane clips to help prevent your roof from flying off during a storm.Once your roof is installed, perform regular maintenance every year before and after hurricane season. Replace any missing or broken shingles, and secure any loose shingles. Also, replace any rusted nails or flashing. As part of roof maintenance, confirm your gutters are working properly and clean out any leaves, allowing water to flow away from your home.A weak point on a roof can degrade even further in harsh hurricane weather, and ensuring your roof is in stable condition can help keep you and your home safe.FAQsWhat are the best shingles for high wind?The best shingles for high winds are classified as Class F for the ASTM D3161 and Class H for the ASTM D7158 test. These two classifications mean the shingles have the best ratings for handling hurricane winds.Do impact-resistant shingles last longer?Due to their durable construction, made with SBS-modified asphalt, which makes shingles more flexible and better able to withstand impact stress than standard architectural shingles, GAF impact-resistant shingles are built to last many years.Preparing for the Next StormAfter the hurricane season, check your roof for damage. View this GAF guide on roof storm damage to learn what to look for and what to expect for possible repairs. If your roof needs work before or after a storm, reach out to a certified contractor* in your local area for guidance and support.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products. Your dealings with a Contractor, and any services they provide to you, are subject to the GAF Contractor Terms of Use.**15-year WindProven™ limited wind warranty covers GAF Shingles with LayerLock® Technology only and requires the use of GAF Starter Strips, Roof Deck Protection, Ridge Cap Shingles, and Leak Barrier or Attic Ventilation. See GAF Roofing System Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. Visit for qualifying GAF products. For installations not eligible for the WindProven limited wind warranty, see GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions.

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